Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Still raining after several days.

The rain continues to come gently down. This is the kind of rain that we need but will soon be getting too much. Of course, the One who makes the rain knows just how much He wants us to have.

The house seems empty with Sarah and Gary back in Michigan. Oh my, they truly are wonderful playmates. We had such fun and look forward to another time. We do plan to go to the Clare Christ Fellowship Classic Car Show in September. We helped last year and want to do it again.

The rest of the Spring and Summer will be really busy for us. We will go North to Warsaw, IN, Silver Lake, IN, Etna Green and Parker City to decorate graves. Max's parents are in Silver Lake by the little white church on the hill. June (Max's first wife and Jim's mother) is in the Oak Wood Cemetery in Warsaw...also, Ralph Lichtenwalter and my daughter, Jaclyn Louise, is there. Mother's mother, Grandmother, Minnie Kaufman, Grandfather, Emanual Kaufman, and Grandmother's mother and Dad are also there. My father, Walter Westerman, my Mother, Pauline Lichtenwalter, my sister, Jeanette Westerman Wagner, her son, Chris Wagner, and my uncle John are all in the Etna Green, Indiana cemetery. Kenny Wagner is in Union Cemetery near Parker City,IN. We plan to decorate all of the graves. Mother always wanted us to make sure the graves looked nice for Memorial Day.

Max had a colon test today. Dr. Johensen told us he is pretty sure (he send a biopsy for testing) that it isn't cancer but a 'pre-cancer'. Since Max has had prostate, lung, and melanoma cancer, he will have to have surgery to have the large flat growth removed. It will be done by laproscopic procedure. We are thankful that it was found early on.

I have just started reading a wonderful book, One Month to Live. It is an inspirational book and causes one to truly think. I think it is such an excellent book and plan to buy one for each of my children to use as a family devotional and discussion book.

I simply must complete the invitation for Kenny's graduation party, which is in June. They will visit us for a couple weeks. All the cousins are here and it will be a wonderful opportunity for them to all be together for a little while.

I have another painting on the easel, a beach house, and I long to get back to it. It seems everything keeps me from it. Also, I have so much scrap-booking in process. I know, I put too much on myself and then feel defeated because I am not able to keep up with it. I shall do whatever I can.

I will sign off for now and talk to you again tomorrow, the Good Lord willing. Bye for now.

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