My heart is so full of thanksgiving and blessing that I hardly know where to start. The Lord is good and greatly to be praised. Max and I are doing well, we feel good and are very busy and active. Max did have gallbladder surgery in February, which was "a piece of cake" as he suffered very little pain and was able to get right back to his walking and mowing. He will have another surgery in July for a 'pre-cancer' growth in the colon. That, too, will be done with laproscopy. He will be in the hospital for 3 to 4 days and in two weeks be able to do whatever he would like, including mowing. This put a big smile on his face. He truly loves to take care of the yard. He keeps the yard manicured and very lovely. Many people have complimented him on how 'beautiful' it is.
Grandson, Kenneth Wagner, graduated this year from high school. Since they live in South Carolina, the Indiana relatives didn't go to his 'open house'. We thought since all his cousins and aunts and uncles are here in Indiana, we would have an open house for him as well. Yvonne and Jonathan and the three boys (Kenny, Riley and Jesse) came on the 17th and we had the party on the 19th. It was really a success as every one we invited was able to attend. I will list those who attended below:
Yvonne, Jonathan, Riley, and Jesse Wagner
Lorel, Andrew, Conner, Carter, Kyleigh, Tanner, and Katelyn (Lloyd family).
Stacia, Spencer and Zadok Lloyd
Uncle Johnny Nester, Chris, Andrea,
Aunt Annie, Julia, and Emily
Sally and Dwayne Bell
Shelly, Jeff, Cameron, Conner, and Carson Speeden
Barbara Crim and Naomi
Betty and Harry Green
Nonna and Grandpa (Vera and Max Sittler) and Of Course....Kenneth Wagner
The food was really wonderful and the cake Stacia and Spencer made was absolutely fantastic. They made a 'tree house' using fondant icing. It had a rope ladder going up to the house and there were tree limbs coming out the top with leafy greenery. The trunk of the tree and the roots going out from it was very realistic. They really need to go into business. Oh, I might mention too, it was so very delicious....chocolate with cream filling. Thank you Stacia and Spencer for making such a hit.
Kenny was very gracious as he greeted each guest and stayed nearby until 7 p.m. when the party was officially over. Then....the thundering herd of grandchildren ran for the pool next door. They so enjoyed one another. It was wonderful to see them all together. It is difficult for the families to get together because of the distance. Michael would love to have been here, but the State of Washington is so far. He sent greetings. Kenny is thinking about going to school to be an Upper Cervical doctor like Michael. He may change his mind, but for now he is planning it.
He will attend Greenville Tech in Greenville, SC, which is very close to their home. Oh, speaking of their home, they just purchased a lovely home in Greer, SC. They hadn't even unpacked boxes before coming to Indiana. I am sure Yvonne has gotten a lot done since she and Jonathan went home on the 23rd. The boys will go on the 28th.
The Lloyd children all love to be with the Wagner boys and they are all looking forward to spending several days together on the Farm in Parker City, IN. Oh my, I wonder if Lori has counted....Let's see, Conner, Carter, Kyleigh, Tanner, Katelyn, Kenny, Riley, and Jesse....hmmmm that seems to be 8 young people sleeping, eating, playing and having fun.....
Well, Aunty Sissy and Uncle Andy are really fun and very brave. Have fun kids....and Lori, go to your room and lock the door......
I want to share about the wonderful time we (the Wagner boys, Emily Nester, Max and I) had in devotions last night. I wanted to read scripture and have prayer for going to bed. I asked what scriptures we should read and they shared that their Grandparents (Nesters) has felt led for different Psalms for each of their grandchildren and they wanted to read them. It was so neat because Emily was here too and she had one. (I am really tired and I am going to save this and complete it tomorrow...I have so much more to share...I hope I can remember all)
I am so sorry, I just now got back to this blog and it is now November 29, 2011. So, I will close this one and write another. Lovingly, Vera
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Speciial Anniversary Date
Twenty-one years ago today, May 20, my baby boy realized a dream come true. His beautiful bride, Yvonne Nester, walked down the aisle (she was breath taking in her beautiful white wedding gown) to become his wife. I can still a see the glimmer in his eyes, the smile on his face when she entered the sanctuary. My heart was so thrilled and, at the same time, saddened because Jonathan's father, Kenneth, was absent. Of course, he was viewing it from the portals of Heaven.
The wedding and the reception was so royal. Mother, Pauline Lichtenwalter, was able to be there and was so happy for both, Jonathan and Yvonne. Yvonne had stayed with Mother for a period of time while in Parker City, IN. I cannot remember what kind of car it was that they drove away in from the reception, but it was a beautiful classic.
They spent their honeymoon in Florida. It started out wonderfully but, low and behold, a few days before returning to Indiana Jonathan became ill with Chicken Pox. Oh NO....what to do???? They did come home at the appointed time. He wore a hat or some kind of cover-up....yes, the temperature was hot and I am sure the people on the plane wondered what was his problem. Little did they know there was a possibility that it would soon be their problem too.
After 21 years, they are still in love and enjoying their three boys, Kenneth (17), Riley (15) and Jesse (9). They are a wonderful family who love the Lord and are striving to follow His guidance for their lives.
Well, I didn't get back to this post, so I will just post it now. Love you all.
The wedding and the reception was so royal. Mother, Pauline Lichtenwalter, was able to be there and was so happy for both, Jonathan and Yvonne. Yvonne had stayed with Mother for a period of time while in Parker City, IN. I cannot remember what kind of car it was that they drove away in from the reception, but it was a beautiful classic.
They spent their honeymoon in Florida. It started out wonderfully but, low and behold, a few days before returning to Indiana Jonathan became ill with Chicken Pox. Oh NO....what to do???? They did come home at the appointed time. He wore a hat or some kind of cover-up....yes, the temperature was hot and I am sure the people on the plane wondered what was his problem. Little did they know there was a possibility that it would soon be their problem too.
After 21 years, they are still in love and enjoying their three boys, Kenneth (17), Riley (15) and Jesse (9). They are a wonderful family who love the Lord and are striving to follow His guidance for their lives.
Well, I didn't get back to this post, so I will just post it now. Love you all.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Still raining after several days.
The rain continues to come gently down. This is the kind of rain that we need but will soon be getting too much. Of course, the One who makes the rain knows just how much He wants us to have.
The house seems empty with Sarah and Gary back in Michigan. Oh my, they truly are wonderful playmates. We had such fun and look forward to another time. We do plan to go to the Clare Christ Fellowship Classic Car Show in September. We helped last year and want to do it again.
The rest of the Spring and Summer will be really busy for us. We will go North to Warsaw, IN, Silver Lake, IN, Etna Green and Parker City to decorate graves. Max's parents are in Silver Lake by the little white church on the hill. June (Max's first wife and Jim's mother) is in the Oak Wood Cemetery in Warsaw...also, Ralph Lichtenwalter and my daughter, Jaclyn Louise, is there. Mother's mother, Grandmother, Minnie Kaufman, Grandfather, Emanual Kaufman, and Grandmother's mother and Dad are also there. My father, Walter Westerman, my Mother, Pauline Lichtenwalter, my sister, Jeanette Westerman Wagner, her son, Chris Wagner, and my uncle John are all in the Etna Green, Indiana cemetery. Kenny Wagner is in Union Cemetery near Parker City,IN. We plan to decorate all of the graves. Mother always wanted us to make sure the graves looked nice for Memorial Day.
Max had a colon test today. Dr. Johensen told us he is pretty sure (he send a biopsy for testing) that it isn't cancer but a 'pre-cancer'. Since Max has had prostate, lung, and melanoma cancer, he will have to have surgery to have the large flat growth removed. It will be done by laproscopic procedure. We are thankful that it was found early on.
I have just started reading a wonderful book, One Month to Live. It is an inspirational book and causes one to truly think. I think it is such an excellent book and plan to buy one for each of my children to use as a family devotional and discussion book.
I simply must complete the invitation for Kenny's graduation party, which is in June. They will visit us for a couple weeks. All the cousins are here and it will be a wonderful opportunity for them to all be together for a little while.
I have another painting on the easel, a beach house, and I long to get back to it. It seems everything keeps me from it. Also, I have so much scrap-booking in process. I know, I put too much on myself and then feel defeated because I am not able to keep up with it. I shall do whatever I can.
I will sign off for now and talk to you again tomorrow, the Good Lord willing. Bye for now.
The house seems empty with Sarah and Gary back in Michigan. Oh my, they truly are wonderful playmates. We had such fun and look forward to another time. We do plan to go to the Clare Christ Fellowship Classic Car Show in September. We helped last year and want to do it again.
The rest of the Spring and Summer will be really busy for us. We will go North to Warsaw, IN, Silver Lake, IN, Etna Green and Parker City to decorate graves. Max's parents are in Silver Lake by the little white church on the hill. June (Max's first wife and Jim's mother) is in the Oak Wood Cemetery in Warsaw...also, Ralph Lichtenwalter and my daughter, Jaclyn Louise, is there. Mother's mother, Grandmother, Minnie Kaufman, Grandfather, Emanual Kaufman, and Grandmother's mother and Dad are also there. My father, Walter Westerman, my Mother, Pauline Lichtenwalter, my sister, Jeanette Westerman Wagner, her son, Chris Wagner, and my uncle John are all in the Etna Green, Indiana cemetery. Kenny Wagner is in Union Cemetery near Parker City,IN. We plan to decorate all of the graves. Mother always wanted us to make sure the graves looked nice for Memorial Day.
Max had a colon test today. Dr. Johensen told us he is pretty sure (he send a biopsy for testing) that it isn't cancer but a 'pre-cancer'. Since Max has had prostate, lung, and melanoma cancer, he will have to have surgery to have the large flat growth removed. It will be done by laproscopic procedure. We are thankful that it was found early on.
I have just started reading a wonderful book, One Month to Live. It is an inspirational book and causes one to truly think. I think it is such an excellent book and plan to buy one for each of my children to use as a family devotional and discussion book.
I simply must complete the invitation for Kenny's graduation party, which is in June. They will visit us for a couple weeks. All the cousins are here and it will be a wonderful opportunity for them to all be together for a little while.
I have another painting on the easel, a beach house, and I long to get back to it. It seems everything keeps me from it. Also, I have so much scrap-booking in process. I know, I put too much on myself and then feel defeated because I am not able to keep up with it. I shall do whatever I can.
I will sign off for now and talk to you again tomorrow, the Good Lord willing. Bye for now.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Wonderful time with Family
My heart is so full of thanksgiving and joy. We have had the privilege of being with family this past couple weeks. On the 9the of May, great grandson, Zadok,(son of Stacia and Spencer Lloyd) was dedicated to the Lord during the morning service at Christ Fellowship of Indianapolis. Of course, Lori and Andy (proud grandparents) and all the children were here. It was so nice having them here for a cook-out. Zadok is such a fun little 17 months. We had steaks and hamburgers on the grill, mashed potatoes, salad, vegetables, fruit salad and ice cream and cake.
The cake was very special because it was for Carter Lee Michael's 15th birthday. Now, I could talk for a very long time about Carter. He is such a sweetheart, loving and kind. He is handsome and very thoughtful. Fun to be with.
It was so fun seeing Carter, Conner and Tanner walk into the church service in their white tuxedos. The three of them had gone (with dates) to the prom on Saturday night. They wanted to get a little more out of the tux and so wore them to church. Did they ever look cool in those clothes and their dark shades. Their dates must have really been proud to be with them.
My wonderful sister, Sarah, and her adorable husband, Rev. Gary Mann, came to visit this past week. We always have so much fun and this was no exception. It had been almost a year since we were together. It was about time we made the effort. We had such fun times playing Mexican Train, laughing until we thought our bellies would burst (this went on and on and we could hardly breathe.....yes, even Gary and Max), eating too much and too late at night, shopping etc. Barbara Crim came for dinner one evening. She brought a wonderful desert. We visited for a long time, reviewing and catching up. Barbara has been a very dear friend since the early sixties.
We decided to go 'looking' at Fry's, on the north side of Indy. It is a very, very large electronic store. You can build a computer, or purchase one, they have large appliances and small trinkets, music, televisions etc..... Well, we walked out of there with a wonderful lap top computer for Sarah. Her hubby loves her very much. Needless to say, she still has a very big smile on her face. I am so happy for her.
I think that the sweet fellowship on Sunday morning was the dearest of all. I hadn't experienced that kind of fellowship for a long while. We give God the praise for the glory of His presence.
Oh, did I tell you that it was about 3 a.m. when we would get to bed. We really put a month of 'visiting' in those six days. I am thankful for such fun, for loving family and friends.
Today, Max and I have been really tired and slept a lot. We are on vacation for a few days.
Katelyn Wallen, Conner's girl friend, lived with us during the school months. She is attending Ivy Tech here in Indy. We were happy to have her in our guest room and miss her now that she is home. She loves to be read to and so......I read the 'Rosary' and the 'Mistress of Shenstone', novels by Florence Barclay. Oh such fun. These books are classics and many years old....beautiful. She plans to be here again in the Fall.
Friday last, Sarah and I attended the 'Aqua Babes' Birthday Luncheon. This is a group of ladies who are in an aerobics class with me. It was really fun and I was so happy to introduce Sarah to them.
I am going to leave for now and will continue tomorrow and tell you about the Wagners and the Sittlers....also, Michael. Oh I have so much to tell. I must remember to type each day l
The cake was very special because it was for Carter Lee Michael's 15th birthday. Now, I could talk for a very long time about Carter. He is such a sweetheart, loving and kind. He is handsome and very thoughtful. Fun to be with.
It was so fun seeing Carter, Conner and Tanner walk into the church service in their white tuxedos. The three of them had gone (with dates) to the prom on Saturday night. They wanted to get a little more out of the tux and so wore them to church. Did they ever look cool in those clothes and their dark shades. Their dates must have really been proud to be with them.
My wonderful sister, Sarah, and her adorable husband, Rev. Gary Mann, came to visit this past week. We always have so much fun and this was no exception. It had been almost a year since we were together. It was about time we made the effort. We had such fun times playing Mexican Train, laughing until we thought our bellies would burst (this went on and on and we could hardly breathe.....yes, even Gary and Max), eating too much and too late at night, shopping etc. Barbara Crim came for dinner one evening. She brought a wonderful desert. We visited for a long time, reviewing and catching up. Barbara has been a very dear friend since the early sixties.
We decided to go 'looking' at Fry's, on the north side of Indy. It is a very, very large electronic store. You can build a computer, or purchase one, they have large appliances and small trinkets, music, televisions etc..... Well, we walked out of there with a wonderful lap top computer for Sarah. Her hubby loves her very much. Needless to say, she still has a very big smile on her face. I am so happy for her.
I think that the sweet fellowship on Sunday morning was the dearest of all. I hadn't experienced that kind of fellowship for a long while. We give God the praise for the glory of His presence.
Oh, did I tell you that it was about 3 a.m. when we would get to bed. We really put a month of 'visiting' in those six days. I am thankful for such fun, for loving family and friends.
Today, Max and I have been really tired and slept a lot. We are on vacation for a few days.
Katelyn Wallen, Conner's girl friend, lived with us during the school months. She is attending Ivy Tech here in Indy. We were happy to have her in our guest room and miss her now that she is home. She loves to be read to and so......I read the 'Rosary' and the 'Mistress of Shenstone', novels by Florence Barclay. Oh such fun. These books are classics and many years old....beautiful. She plans to be here again in the Fall.
Friday last, Sarah and I attended the 'Aqua Babes' Birthday Luncheon. This is a group of ladies who are in an aerobics class with me. It was really fun and I was so happy to introduce Sarah to them.
I am going to leave for now and will continue tomorrow and tell you about the Wagners and the Sittlers....also, Michael. Oh I have so much to tell. I must remember to type each day l
Saturday, March 20, 2010
March 21, 2010
Goodness, it has been a very long time since my last post. There is simply no way that I could catch-up on all that taken place. However, I shall start from here, March 21, 2010, and see what happens.
Jim came Friday, from his home in Texas, to celebrate Max's birthday on the 22nd. It is such a delight to have him and we are so sorry that Nancy and Chris couldn't come. They have 7 goats, a donkey, a horse, a potbelly pig, 3 dogs and 3 cats..... They actually could have a petting zoo. There is no way they could leave these animals.
Max will be 76 tomorrow. I simply cannot comprehend it...., especially since we were born the same year. No, it cannot be! Max and Jim have had a great time just being together. Tonight they went to the Imax to see Avatar. They came home exclaiming how wonderful it was. So, even though I didn't think I would want to see it, I think Max and I will go.
Zadok, our great grandson, who is 16 months, just grows more and more delightful. Stacia and Spencer are really good parents. The Lloyd grandchildren are all grown up now. They are a wonderful bunch of kids and really a delight to have around. They live about a hundred miles from us, so we do not get to see them as often as we would like to. Conner, Carter, and Kyleigh are still at home....all typical teenagers who drive their parents crazy when they are not being adorable. Lori and Andy also have a young man, Tanner, living with them, who has no place to go. He has been a close friend of Conner and Carter's for years. He is 18 years old. The whole family has embraced him. It is quite a circus when they are all together. Yes, I pray for Lori a lot because Andy travels every other week....thus, she has the greater part of the responsibility. Trusting the Lord to lead and guide in every little step of the way.
Michael has gone through many changes in the past couple years. He and Angela divorced. I am still in deep grief over that. Michael's heart is still breaking and I cannot explain how my heart feel crushed into a thousand pieces. Angela will always be my daughter and I will love her dearly forever. I pray that they will be able to heal and find rest in their hearts.
Michael's practice continues to grow. He is still in Silverdale, WA. The building he has been in is too small for his growing business and he will locate another place soon. He celebrated his 10th anniversary of being a Chiropractor. I am so very proud of him. I just wish we lived closer so that he could be my doctor, as well as my firstborn son. Max and I hope to drive out to Washington this summer to visit with Michael.
Jonathan and Yvonne are still in South Carolina, in the city of Greer. They live across the street from a wonderful City Park. One of the best I have been to. Kenny, Riley and Jesse are all just great children. Kenny graduated a couple of weeks ago. They are having an open house for him in a few days. When the Wagners come here in June, we will have a graduation party for him. Yvonne's brother, Johnny, lives here and he has 3 they, along with the Lloyd clan and aunts and uncles, it will be a nice party. we are so proud of Kenny. All the grandkids are endeavoring to live a Christian life.
Max and I have celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. We continue to be amazed at how wonderful our life is. We are so very thankful to the Lord for bringing us together in these later years of our lives. Max has had some health issues in these years, but being the positive and strong person that he is, he has bounced back wonderfully. This past February he had his gallbladder removed (they found 6 large stones). He is still having some problems which will be addressed by his surgeon this week.
I have been involved with an aerobics class for over 4 years. It is a group of ladies in my age bracket. We have a fun time each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. After class, a group of us have coffee at McDonalds. It has been a good thing for exercise and fellowship. We have become close friends.
In October of 2007, I started my first oil painting. I love it. It was Paula Swornay who encouraged me to paint. Now, I have done 9 paintings. It seems each one gets better. I am just now starting another (have already done 3 in oil and 2 in porcelain) lighthouse.
I have been doing a 'journal scrapbook' each year now for 5 years. It is such a wonderful way to track all that takes place in your life and that of your family.
I think I will close for now and continue more faithfully in the days to come.
Goodness, it has been a very long time since my last post. There is simply no way that I could catch-up on all that taken place. However, I shall start from here, March 21, 2010, and see what happens.
Jim came Friday, from his home in Texas, to celebrate Max's birthday on the 22nd. It is such a delight to have him and we are so sorry that Nancy and Chris couldn't come. They have 7 goats, a donkey, a horse, a potbelly pig, 3 dogs and 3 cats..... They actually could have a petting zoo. There is no way they could leave these animals.
Max will be 76 tomorrow. I simply cannot comprehend it...., especially since we were born the same year. No, it cannot be! Max and Jim have had a great time just being together. Tonight they went to the Imax to see Avatar. They came home exclaiming how wonderful it was. So, even though I didn't think I would want to see it, I think Max and I will go.
Zadok, our great grandson, who is 16 months, just grows more and more delightful. Stacia and Spencer are really good parents. The Lloyd grandchildren are all grown up now. They are a wonderful bunch of kids and really a delight to have around. They live about a hundred miles from us, so we do not get to see them as often as we would like to. Conner, Carter, and Kyleigh are still at home....all typical teenagers who drive their parents crazy when they are not being adorable. Lori and Andy also have a young man, Tanner, living with them, who has no place to go. He has been a close friend of Conner and Carter's for years. He is 18 years old. The whole family has embraced him. It is quite a circus when they are all together. Yes, I pray for Lori a lot because Andy travels every other week....thus, she has the greater part of the responsibility. Trusting the Lord to lead and guide in every little step of the way.
Michael has gone through many changes in the past couple years. He and Angela divorced. I am still in deep grief over that. Michael's heart is still breaking and I cannot explain how my heart feel crushed into a thousand pieces. Angela will always be my daughter and I will love her dearly forever. I pray that they will be able to heal and find rest in their hearts.
Michael's practice continues to grow. He is still in Silverdale, WA. The building he has been in is too small for his growing business and he will locate another place soon. He celebrated his 10th anniversary of being a Chiropractor. I am so very proud of him. I just wish we lived closer so that he could be my doctor, as well as my firstborn son. Max and I hope to drive out to Washington this summer to visit with Michael.
Jonathan and Yvonne are still in South Carolina, in the city of Greer. They live across the street from a wonderful City Park. One of the best I have been to. Kenny, Riley and Jesse are all just great children. Kenny graduated a couple of weeks ago. They are having an open house for him in a few days. When the Wagners come here in June, we will have a graduation party for him. Yvonne's brother, Johnny, lives here and he has 3 they, along with the Lloyd clan and aunts and uncles, it will be a nice party. we are so proud of Kenny. All the grandkids are endeavoring to live a Christian life.
Max and I have celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. We continue to be amazed at how wonderful our life is. We are so very thankful to the Lord for bringing us together in these later years of our lives. Max has had some health issues in these years, but being the positive and strong person that he is, he has bounced back wonderfully. This past February he had his gallbladder removed (they found 6 large stones). He is still having some problems which will be addressed by his surgeon this week.
I have been involved with an aerobics class for over 4 years. It is a group of ladies in my age bracket. We have a fun time each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. After class, a group of us have coffee at McDonalds. It has been a good thing for exercise and fellowship. We have become close friends.
In October of 2007, I started my first oil painting. I love it. It was Paula Swornay who encouraged me to paint. Now, I have done 9 paintings. It seems each one gets better. I am just now starting another (have already done 3 in oil and 2 in porcelain) lighthouse.
I have been doing a 'journal scrapbook' each year now for 5 years. It is such a wonderful way to track all that takes place in your life and that of your family.
I think I will close for now and continue more faithfully in the days to come.
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