Saturday, June 26, 2010

Making Memories with Grandchildren, Summer 2010

My heart is so full of thanksgiving and blessing that I hardly know where to start. The Lord is good and greatly to be praised. Max and I are doing well, we feel good and are very busy and active. Max did have gallbladder surgery in February, which was "a piece of cake" as he suffered very little pain and was able to get right back to his walking and mowing. He will have another surgery in July for a 'pre-cancer' growth in the colon. That, too, will be done with laproscopy. He will be in the hospital for 3 to 4 days and in two weeks be able to do whatever he would like, including mowing. This put a big smile on his face. He truly loves to take care of the yard. He keeps the yard manicured and very lovely. Many people have complimented him on how 'beautiful' it is.

Grandson, Kenneth Wagner, graduated this year from high school. Since they live in South Carolina, the Indiana relatives didn't go to his 'open house'. We thought since all his cousins and aunts and uncles are here in Indiana, we would have an open house for him as well. Yvonne and Jonathan and the three boys (Kenny, Riley and Jesse) came on the 17th and we had the party on the 19th. It was really a success as every one we invited was able to attend. I will list those who attended below:

Yvonne, Jonathan, Riley, and Jesse Wagner
Lorel, Andrew, Conner, Carter, Kyleigh, Tanner, and Katelyn (Lloyd family).
Stacia, Spencer and Zadok Lloyd
Uncle Johnny Nester, Chris, Andrea,
Aunt Annie, Julia, and Emily
Sally and Dwayne Bell
Shelly, Jeff, Cameron, Conner, and Carson Speeden
Barbara Crim and Naomi
Betty and Harry Green
Nonna and Grandpa (Vera and Max Sittler) and Of Course....Kenneth Wagner

The food was really wonderful and the cake Stacia and Spencer made was absolutely fantastic. They made a 'tree house' using fondant icing. It had a rope ladder going up to the house and there were tree limbs coming out the top with leafy greenery. The trunk of the tree and the roots going out from it was very realistic. They really need to go into business. Oh, I might mention too, it was so very delicious....chocolate with cream filling. Thank you Stacia and Spencer for making such a hit.

Kenny was very gracious as he greeted each guest and stayed nearby until 7 p.m. when the party was officially over. Then....the thundering herd of grandchildren ran for the pool next door. They so enjoyed one another. It was wonderful to see them all together. It is difficult for the families to get together because of the distance. Michael would love to have been here, but the State of Washington is so far. He sent greetings. Kenny is thinking about going to school to be an Upper Cervical doctor like Michael. He may change his mind, but for now he is planning it.

He will attend Greenville Tech in Greenville, SC, which is very close to their home. Oh, speaking of their home, they just purchased a lovely home in Greer, SC. They hadn't even unpacked boxes before coming to Indiana. I am sure Yvonne has gotten a lot done since she and Jonathan went home on the 23rd. The boys will go on the 28th.

The Lloyd children all love to be with the Wagner boys and they are all looking forward to spending several days together on the Farm in Parker City, IN. Oh my, I wonder if Lori has counted....Let's see, Conner, Carter, Kyleigh, Tanner, Katelyn, Kenny, Riley, and Jesse....hmmmm that seems to be 8 young people sleeping, eating, playing and having fun.....
Well, Aunty Sissy and Uncle Andy are really fun and very brave. Have fun kids....and Lori, go to your room and lock the door......

I want to share about the wonderful time we (the Wagner boys, Emily Nester, Max and I) had in devotions last night. I wanted to read scripture and have prayer for going to bed. I asked what scriptures we should read and they shared that their Grandparents (Nesters) has felt led for different Psalms for each of their grandchildren and they wanted to read them. It was so neat because Emily was here too and she had one. (I am really tired and I am going to save this and complete it tomorrow...I have so much more to share...I hope I can remember all)

I am so sorry, I just now got back to this blog and it is now November 29, 2011.  So, I will close this one and write another.  Lovingly,  Vera