Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas-Christmas Gift

I simply cannot believe that it has been so long since I last talked with you. I am sorry. The fact that there was so much to talk about overwhelmed me and thus....I put it off. Now, shall we start at the very beginning?

Merry and Blessed Christmas to each and every one. The Lord has been so very gracious to bring us (our whole family) safely to another Christmas. We celebrate the birth of Jesus with thanksgiving and a heart full of love. Oh my goodness, we have so very much to be thankful for.

November was truly a special time. On the 13Th, Zadok Brian Andrew Lloyd was born. He is the firstborn of Stacia (Richey) and Spencer Lloyd and the first grandchild of our daughter and son, Lorel and Andrew Lloyd. Not to say that he is our very first great grandchild. WELCOME PRECIOUS BABY ZADOK. YOU ARE LOVED AND CHERISHED.

I was happy to host a Birthday/Christmas luncheon for the Aqua Babes (my aerobics class) December 12Th. It was a lovely time with 28 ladies. We set up 3 card tables in the living room, used the dining room table and the kitchen table, making it possible for everyone to have a seat. This was the third time I have had the December party. Everyone enjoyed the food and had a good time.

Max and I left Indianapolis on the 20Th and traveled to Texas to be with Nancy, Jim and Chris for Christmas. We are in a very lovely motel suite which was a gift from them. We have had a wonderful time at their home. Chris has two mamma goats and two baby goats. The one baby is two weeks old and the other is three weeks. We sat and watched them frolic and play; climbing anything in sight, chasing the dogs and the cat, jumping on the rock pile etc. We laughed so much as we watched the two adult goats butt heads and play together, also as they protected their babies. I had no idea that goats could be so much fun. No, I do not want to get one. We will leave that to Chris.

Nancy and Jim were so gracious and treated us like royalty. Our Christmas dinner was very delicious.

I was able to meet with Georgine Christenson, who lives in San Antonio (about 20 minutes from where we are staying). We have been very close but haven't been able to see one another for a long time. It was so wonderful to have such fellowship and laughter as we visited for an hour to two hours.

This is Christmas evening and my thoughts are with each one of my children and grandchildren, as well as dear and valued friends of many years. Memory is such a wonderful gift from God. I can review special Christmas times and feel it as though I was there once again.

We plan to leave here and visit with Jennifer and Larry Sturm and then travel to Oklahoma City to see my dear sister, June. We have not met her husband, Rick, and we are looking so forward to that. It appears that the weather will co-operate and we will be able to take that route rather than the southern one.

I will also be happy to get back to my easel and painting. I have purchased some lessons and I cannot hardly wait to put it into practice. Paula, my dear friend (Opera star and artist)also purchased the same lessons. We are having fun talking about it and just knowing that we will learn lots.

As I reflect on the past year, I acknowledge how very privileged I am, how God has blessed me with so much love and care. It is a great privilege to pray, to stand in the gap for all God's puts on my heart to pray for. I realize I have only one life and I have a great longing to hear, when I leave this earth, "well done good and faithful servant". Jesus came to earth that I might have salvation and make my home in Heaven.

Have a safe and wonderful Christmas season.

Vera Sittler

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Life, New Joy, Zadok Brian Andrew Lloyd

What can you say? Our very first great grandbaby born on the 13th of November. He was born 3 weeks early and weighted 5#1 oz and 181/4 inches. He has such beautiful features.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Flowers are gone for now....

The frost has come and taken away the lovely flowers for the winter months. The trees, which had turned so many beautiful shades of red and gold, have lost most of the leafs, the sky is ominous and wintry looking and the cold weather has come to stay. It always feels so good to slip into that favorite warm sweater and neck scarf, also to snuggle up with a good book and a hot cup of coffee.

I returned home from West Covina, CA, on the 6th of November. My visit with Paula was fun and delightful until the day before my departure. I was privileged to observe Paula as she taught Voice to her students. It was just fascinating to see and hear her teaching technique. I was delighted that Paula instructed me (actually had a lesson) in breathing exercises for singing. She also instructed me in oil painting, mixing the paint, sketching on canvas after I drew the grids. We talked about brushes, paints, squinting, etc. I feel it was an invaluable time for me. I actually have three paintings ready to begin. I will be busy for months on them, but I am very excited. We watched some old and fun movies and laughed and cried. These are only a few things we did, perhaps I will mention more later.

Back to the day before I departed; Paula and I were taking it very slowly with coffee, some sketching, and reviewing some of the experiences we had. We went out beside the pool (in our robes, no makeup, uncombed hair....looking dreadful) to drink our coffee. The birds were singing and Paula filled the pan with birdseed to throw over the fence, as she does each morning, when her slipper caught and threw her into a terrible fall. I started to call 911 but she felt if she would just lay there for a while, she would be able to get up. After a while, we were able to get her into the house where we quickly dressed and drove to the emergency room. We still looked horrible but there was no choice. The bottom line, we spent most of the day in the ER and the hospital. Paula broke 2 fingers on the right hand and pulled the tendons in the left hand and she went home with a cast on the right and a brace on the left. She was able to guide me as I drove us to and from the hospital.

She convinced me that she would be alright and I should leave the next morning. I felt so concerned and was willing to stay. She has been in a lot of pain the past couple days but she is taking care of herself. She will not be able to paint for a while. She taught me so much while I was there...

Max picked me up at the airport and I was so happy to see him. He was very happy that I was home. I had gotten up at 2 a.m. after only about 3 hours of sleep and then the flight home was long with the lay-over in Dallas. I was truly exhausted.

Sarah and Gary came back from Tennessee and stayed two nights. We were able to enjoy the game 'Chicken Food', which we love playing with them. They returned home on Sunday (today). We went to services, as Max had Security Duty and I was so happy to be in the service.

After church, several of us met at Stir Crazy to celebrate Becky Lester's birthday. Becky is Pat Albright's sister. We celebrate all of our birthdays by eating out and taking cards. We started this while Neil was still living and we miss him very much. It is Becky and John, Pat, Debbie, Max and I. It is always nice to get together.

Tonight, we are completely wiped out and just relaxing before we begin a very busy week. All in all, it is such a good feeling to be home alone with my beloved. Talk to you later.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oh my goodness, one can feel Winter in the air!

We have enjoyed such wonderful weather this summer and it seems I tend to forget that Winter will come. I just didn't expect it so quickly. Max cleaned up all the flower beds today, which completed his getting the outside ready for cold weather.

For some reason, when cold weather comes, it brings sinus problems and sluggishness. I have hardly been able to move today. Trust I am not really getting sick. No, I am NOT getting sick.

The time is very near for me to return to California, to visit with Paula again. This will not be as busy as the last visit (the Ms Senior California Pageant was taking place), however, it seems it will be busy in other ways. You see, we plan to study Spanish, work on some oil painting, shop, see a movie, play with the pups, shop, laugh, talk etc..... Who knows, we may find something neither of us expect. I love surprises and all of these things. I know it will be a wonderful time. Paula is really a delightful lady, in every way. I will probably 'beg' her to sing for me while I am there. Oh yes, she plans to give me some singing lessons. Paula is a great opera star. An opera singer, I am not!!!! She promises me that she will be able to help me sing. I look forward to that.

Jonathan (my youngest son) and grandson Kenny, will be leaving for Israel in a few days. Jonathan has been there but it is a first for Kenny. I trust that he will truly enjoy. I am sure that it will be a life-changing experience. I am happy for them. Maybe Riley and Jesse will be able to go one day.

Grandson Conner got his 'beginners driver's license' today. He didn't seem to care one way or another whether he got them, but Mother needed his help to drive everyone to all the events etc. Probably the reason for not caring is that his girlfriend, Katelyn, has her driver's license and also a car. He is one smart young man. Be careful, Conner. I will be praying for your protection.

Sarah and Gary will be coming on Monday for a few days on their way to Tennessee. They will spend a couple weeks with Gary's twin brother, Jerry, and his wife, Laurelle. They always have a great time together. Makes me want to go with them.

It is late and I really must get to bet. I will try to get back to 'blogging' more quickly than before. It is wonderful to talk to each of you. Trust you all have a great night and a wonderful Sunday.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The feeling of Winter is in this beautiful Fall day...

I am so enjoying the beauty of the colorful trees, the sun shining at another angle, the crispness of the air and the sky telling us stories of the coming winter time. Only God could perform such things. I see His handiwork and give Him praise.

Lori was in Indianapolis over the week-end to teach Stacia and Spencer childbirth classes. Because of the distance, they worked hard to get all the lessons completed in the two days. They took a break last evening and brought 'Five Guys' hamburgers and fries to our home. We ate together and then watched a movie. It was after midnight when they left and nearly one a.m. when Max and I retired. It was a good feeling having family and watching a movie together.

After they completed the classes, Lori came here to take a nap before driving the 80 miles home. It is always so good to be able to visit with her. Max and I both enjoy having her, as well as the entire family.

I have ad a very productive day. We attended a very inspiring service this morning and then we ate lunch at a new and very attractive restaurant, 'Sophia's Pancake House'. It is delightful and the food is great. They have a full many things to choose from. Max had an Hawaiian omelet and I had some a small, yummy, blueberry pancake.

This afternoon I was inspired to organize all my scrapbook materials into categories, and put all my scrapbook paper in a stack able unit, according to color and design. Now, I feel as though I will be able to work at ease. I am so far behind, but I think I will be caught up on this year shortly.

I am looking forward to returning to California to visit my dear friend, Paula. I will be leaving on the 31st of October and returning on the 6th. We plan to paint, attend a fun movie and I get to be present while she teaches voice lessons. Hopefully, this will help me to learn to sing. Paula really wants to give me some lessons and I look forward to that.

I spoke with my son, Jonathan, this evening. He and his son, Kenny, are getting ready to make a trip to Israel with their church. They will be visiting Genises-land and riding camels to different destinations. That should be very interesting. I am happy that grandson, Kenny, will have this privilege.

I remember the first time I was privileged to tour Israel. It was such a monumental event in my life. After being there and visiting so many biblical places, my Bible truly came alive. It was a marvelous experience. I was privileged to return seven times and each time was greater than the last. I think it is a trip all Christian people should make.

I plan to spend some time reading before going to bed and it is now 9:19, therefore, I must say good night and trust to talk to you again in a day or so. May you each one be blessed and encouraged.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Troubling times in our nation...

I watched the presidential debate this evening. Unless God intervenes, I feel that the troubled times we are facing, will only grow worse as we approach the election. We need to cry out to God for mercy and help for our nation. I am concerned that we do not turn our heads and ignore that we are in trouble and in much need of prayer. Who will it be? McCain or Obama????

A very dear friend, of many years, is spending the night with Barbara Crim and I visited with them for three hours. Georgine Christenson is truly a marvelous woman of God. It was so good being with her and Barbara. We celetrated Georgine's birthday, which will be the 22nd.

I spend much time in Florida with Georgine during the years I was alone. She was a great friend (still is) and it was so good for me to spend time away from home after the death of my husband. We reviewed and laughed....had a great time.

I have just had another invitation to attend another Pageant in California. This one will be held in San Diego in February. I seriously doubt that I will be going, but it would really be fun.

I haven't heard much of anything from any of my children or grandchildren for over a week. I will call them to see what is going on. I realize they are all busy, however, I really love hearing from them. I really do have a wonderful family.

This is a short one, because I am very tired and need to retire.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Treking the trail in the park....

It was a beautiful day....85 degrees.....and a perfect day for a great walk. Max and I so enjoyed walking the trail in one of the Greenwood parks. There were picnics going on, family reunions, ball playing, toddlers running and falling on the green grass and the smell of charcoal and burgers. It was truly a feeling of Fall mixed with a lot of summer. "Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day....."

Tomorrow will be a busy day with too many things on the calendar. I have been doing better (with the encouragement of a very dear friend). I will not keep you tonight as I am on my way to bed. Goodnight!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Oh what a beautiful day...

We are having Indian Summer, temperature was 83 today. The trees are turning such beautiful colors and, in spite of the heat, the feeling of Fall, with winter, approaching is in the air. The sky was so clear and shown with the glory of God all over it. I am thankful for such beauty that seems to wrap itself around one with such love and joy. Thank you God, only you could do that. Be sure to view our tree at the very end of my blog.

Richmond Hill is the sub-division we live in. It is a lovely community and everyone is so friendly and neighborly. We walked out the front door a little while ago (9 p.m.) and you would have thought there was a street fair going on. There were so many people out walking, visiting, playing basketball in their driveways, laughing and enjoying the wonderful evening. It is truly a home-town feeling. Life is good and I am thankful.

I haven't said much about the family, however, it is time for me to share about our children. Max's son Jim and his family (Nancy and daughter Chris) have recently (June of this year) moved to Texas. Jim is Max's only child and they have been so close. It is wonderful to observe this Father and Son relationship. Jim is a really thoughtful son and Max is an excellent father. Jim and Nancy were both in the service. Jim retired after twenty-two and a half years. He retired as First Sargent. Nancy worked on helicopters and when she was expecting Christine, she also exited the army. Christine is 18 years old and a great gal. She loves animals and has had many pets. Today they purchased two goats which are pregnant and will give birth in December. We plan to spend Christmas with them this year. We will get to see those new little 'kids'. Jim is an auditor for a large finance company and his territory is South and East Texas, as well as some of Oklahoma. Nancy is retired and she and Chris take care of the home while Jim travels most all week.

I will share more about family next time.

I received my absentee Ballot today and I will mail it on Monday. I will not be in the area on November 4th. I feel it is such a responsibility to cast a vote. I do not take it for granted and trust God to help me choose all the right people because I know my vote counts.

I visited with a Barbara last evening and enjoyed the time so much. She has decorated her apartment just beautifully. I am quite sure there isn't another apartment such as hers. It is fun to go there.

I need to say, "Good-bye" for tonight and I look forward to talking with you again tomorrow or Monday. May God bless you each one.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Yesterday was a wonderful day of leisure and doing whatever I wanted to do. I worked on my oil painting and it is actually beginning to look pretty good. There is a lot more to do on it but it takes time. I, also, looked through old family photos and writings, which was so interesting. It was rather bittersweet to see pictures and read journals of loved ones who are not longer living. Memory is such a wonderful gift of love. Have you ever thought about how the mind works when a little nugget is reviewed? It is as though you are reliving that instant again, experiencing the same feelings that you felt at that time and hearing the voices..... Yes, memory is so very wonderful. I am thankful for memory.

This has been a busy day filled with various and sundry things. Water aerobics and then the ladies birthday luncheon at a very nice restaurant. I think there were about twenty-two present. A number of us went to the viewing of our little 95 year old Roberta, who died three days ago. She had been doing so well and feeling great and then she took her last breath. She had planned (the day before she died she said, "I will be there.") to attend the birthday luncheon. It is so wonderful that she wasn't really ill.

It is so difficult to realize that it is October and this year will soon be gone. This is a monumental year and all the changes in government, market etc will go down in the annals of history. I am praying that the events of the coming weeks will be in order so that the journals will be happy things. Our nation is so in need of God's help for the election.

It is growing late and I simply must retire. Thank you for reading. I hope to write more interesting things another day. Blessings to all.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So many thoughts wanting to come out...

Max and I have spent the day running and doing..... I am weary. I got my allergy shots today and I aways feel badly after I get them. We were on the North Side today at the very large TJMax Home Store! Oh how much fun to go there. I purchased some fun things for our home and also some things for the home I have been helping to decorate.

I received word that the son of one of the ladies in the aerobic class lost his battle for life today. Charolette is one of the dearest ladies and is such a joy to be around. Her son has been very ill for a few weeks and she was believing with all her heart that he would regain his health. My heart goes out to her and her husband. I pray God will wrap his arms around them and comfort them.

I also learned that Roberta, the oldest of our aerobic class, died this morning. She had just said (yesterday) that she was feeling well and would attend our monthly birthday luncheon on Friday. One never knows???? She was 90 and so very sweet. I believe she has been in the group from the very beginning.

Life is precious and it is so very important that we live it in beauty and thankfulness. In the face of death, we realize there is no time for bitterness, hard feelings, 'not getting along' with those we love or fault-finding. Life is so beautiful and truly a gift from God. I choose to live life loving others, loving God and endeavoring to make life pleasant for others. I want to learn new things and discover all the gifts God has given me. I am so thankful He has given me a few gifts. Thankful for the gift of friends and family.

I get to stay home tomorrow!!!! Yeah! I think I shall have my quiet time in the morning, walk the treadmill, read the paper and work the crossword puzzle, have coffee with my husband, write some letters and maybe work on pictures for scrap booking. Well, we will see what all I actually do accomplish....Mmmmm, maybe I will just do nothing at all.

I trust you all have a very wonderful night, filled with sweet dreams.

Talk to you another day.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October 7, 2008..Day Three

I enjoyed lunch with cousin, Vicky Gamble, today. After the death of both her mother, Ione, and dad, Nick, Vicky realized she really doesn't know much about her family. We spent a couple hours today digging into our roots. I had prepared (dug out lots of information) then drove off without the folder. So she asked questions and I answered as best I could. I will get back with her. It wasn't all fun, as there are some skeletons in the closet. I am sorry about that. Vicky is such a delightful person and I have always loved being with her. She made a delicious lunch of potato soup, chicken salad on croissants and red grapes. And to top it off, chocolate pudding with tiny butterscotch bits served in beautiful crystal stemmed wine glasses. Hmmm so good.

Watching the presidential debate, so I will close this blog for today. As I have stated before, "We need a miracle for our nation."

Have a wonderful evening and God Bless you.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Continuing on...Day 2

I began the day with water aerobics at 7:30 a.m.. Oh how I didn't want to get out of bed and go, however, I really do feel so much better after that hour of water exercises. I attend these classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The remainder of the week, Max and I both walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes, 1 3/4 mile. That, too, is a great work out and get the heart rate up. We are endeavoring to do our part to stay healthy. With God's help and His blessing, we have a wonderful life and we are thankful.

I am working on another oil painting and was able to work a little on it today. I truly do not know what I am doing with this one, but I am letting my creative energy come out. We will see hot it turns out. If it doesn't, it will go into the trash and no one will know the difference. I do believe it will be a good one though.

I made Taco Soup and it is sending it's wonderful aroma throughout the house. A dear friend gave me the recipe and this is the first time I have tried it. I think it is going to be spicy hot but we love that. I will try to let you know how it turned out.

I did a few things for myself today; I desperately needed color on my hair and that was an accomplishment....I look better too. Just got a note from a close friend who said that she had put color on her hair today. This must be 'color day' or it is simply that two great minds think together.

My heart is going out to my children and their spouses today.....reviewing what they each mean to us, sending up prayers and blessings for them, sending them bunches of love. If there is anything that I would that my children could say of me after I am gone, it would be that I loved them dearly and prayed faithfully on their behalf. Also, that they would know I had been faithful to my God, my faith and honest with all people. I work at this, and therefore, I am sure they will be able to say it.

Max and I plan to go to Texas to visit Jim, Nancy, and Chris for Christmas. Jim already has the reservation at a nearby motel and they are as excited as we are. They have only live these since June and they love it. There are so many animals right there....never a dull moment.

Tomorrow, I plan to visit with my cousin, Vicky, on the north side of Indy. Vicky is Uncle Nick and Aunt Ione's daughter. Both her parents and then her husband, Dawson, are deceased in very recent times. We will have lunch and share about our families. Vicky is a very wonderful and beautiful lady. She is a very good Real Estate Agent, has done well for several years. I look forward to being with her.

This is such a beautiful Fall day. I love the Fall of the year with the trees turning color and the crisp air allows me to wear a sweater. I love to get outside and walk in a woods or on a trail and kick the leaves. Enough said for today. Will talk to you soon.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Once Again I Send my Thoughts

Once again in more ways than one. I just wrote my first long blog and failed to save it before checking something else....You guessed it, it was gone. I am not sure I will remember just what I wrote, so I will just start fresh.

This has been a very wonderful summer. God has given Max and me good health and many blessings. It seems we are so very busy that we would never have a moment of boredom. We both wonder how in the world we ever had time to work. Retirement is really great. I could start at the very beginning, but will spare you that. I will, however, mention that we will have been married 14 years November 12th. That simply does not seem possible. The Lord is good and He has afforded us many blessings, including a comfortable home, wonderful family and friends. He brings surprises to us at the most unexpected times. We are thankful.

In June, I had an answer to my prayers of several years. The entire family, except for our darling Angela, and Jim, Nancy and Chris, came 'home' for a family reunion. Michael, by firstborn, flew in from Washington State. Jonathan, Yvonne, Kenny, Riley and Jesse drove in from South Carolina. Lorel, Andrew, Christopher, Conner, Carter and Kyleigh drove from Parker City, IN and grandson and granddaughter/god-daughter, who live about four miles from here, came.

Lorel thought that we were having a birthday party for her but had no idea that her brothers and their families would be here. It would not be an exaggerated to say that her squeals when they arrived, separately, could be heard for a few miles . We did so many fun things along with reviewing many funny things and having great belly laughs. I had wanted 'all my children' to come home for a family reunion for a long time. It was all good, it was all wonderful. My heart began to cry even before they left because I was missing them. I am confident it will happen again.

Some months ago, I began oil painting. I had never tried oils and wasn't sure that I would be able to do it. I have done much porcelain painting and I know it is entirely a different ball game. With porcelain, you can wipe off mistakes and start again. Well, I have fallen in love with oil painting. I have completed 6 paintings and working on another one. I will display them one day on the blog. A few years ago I started hand quilting and made a quilt for most of my family.....this year it just might be oil paintings. Well, of course, my children will want one of the new 'grandma moses' paintings. They just might become very famous one day.

I had a really wonderful incentive to learn, as well as some email lessons from my very dear friend, Paula Swornay. She is a natural artist, has done many wonderful works of art. When I grow up, I want to be just like her. I will share more about Paula in my next blog, including my visit with her in California. For now, I should give you a rest. I promise I shall be back.

Next time I want to tell you about Jim, Nancy and Chris and their move to Texas, all their animals and Jim's new job for the same company he has worked for. Max and Jim talk, by phone, every week. It is wonderful how they keep one another up to date.

Visiting with Vera and Max

October 4, 2008. Reading my daughter's blog gave me the bug. I have started journeling a number of times but didn't follow through for one reason or another. I will try to do better this time.

It is difficult to know just where to begin because there are so many exciting things in my life. I am so very thankful for good health for Max and myself. It is great being so busy that we do not have enough time and never experience being 'bored'.

This summer was so busy, so wonderful in so many ways. The Lord is good and He affords us many wonderful privileges. I will just list a few highlights.

An answer to my prayers came in June when our entire family (expect for our precious Angela) came 'home' for a family reunion. I planned it as a surprise for Lori's 48th birthday (June 10th) but, in my heart, it was far more for me. Lori knew I was having a birthday party for her, however, she had no idea that her brothers and their families were coming. Michael flew in from Washington State and Jonathan, Yvonne, Kenney, Riley and Jesse drove to Indiana from South Carolina.